creativity, sanity, sanity creativity, Terapéutic writing, Terapeutic writing

Practical manual review therapeutic writing of psychoguias.

Hello. Today we have a review of Practical Manual of therapeutic writing of psychoguias.

Psychoguías is a project that combines psychology and personal development to help you live more calmly, trust and well -being. It is created by the psychologist Helena Echeverría and offers a variety of practical resources and tools:

Practical Guides: These didactic and learning guides are designed for your personal development and well -being. They will help you advance in different aspects of your life.

Weekly Podcast: The Psychogui program is the winner of the 6th edition of the Ivoox Awards in the «Mind and Psychology» category. Every week, Helena Echeverría accompanies you on the way to your well -being with tools, resources and exercises that you can apply in your day to day.

Courses and formations: They offer courses and formations to handle anxiety, improve self -esteem, manage stress, incorporate meditation into your life and use writing for therapeutic purposes. More than 15,000 students from 42 countries have participated in these formations¹.

Online therapy: If you need psychological support, they also offer online sessions to help you feel calm, trust and freedom.

In addition, psychoguiah provides free resources to live without anxiety and stress. You can access these resources on your website. Explore and discover how to improve your emotional well -being! 🌟

I already give you the synopsis of a practical manual of therapeutic writing.

I welcome you to this practical manual of therapeutic writing. Thank you very much for being here and I hope that what you find in this manual will help you to improve your life.

This little book is great because the truth has good writing exercises. I really liked having these possibilities to do the exercises.

Precisely because of the practical exercises I am giving a 5.

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