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Review of nft and digital art: new possibilities for the consumption, dissemination and preservation of works of contemporary art from artnodes magazine.

Hello. Today I have the review of this article about nfts and digital art.

ARTNODES is a digital magazine promoted by the UNIVERSITAT OBERTA DE CATALUNYA that aims to analyze the intersections between arts, sciences and technologies.

ARTNODES publishes contributions focused on the reflection and study of the intersections between art, science and technology, both from a formal, historical and conceptual point of view.

Research articles, essays or opinions, comments on events, authors or works, as well as book reviews, are accepted for consideration.

And here is the synopsis of the scientific article. Digital technology, which appeared in the 1980s and was consolidated in the following decade with the so-called «third industrial revolution», has transformed not only our daily environment, but also the way in which we produce and experience artistic work.

Digital art, a subcategory of the so-called «new media art», presents multiple forms and is in continuous evolution, parallel to the devices that enable it; But its commercialization in the contemporary art market is complex, since digital works present a series of characteristics such as dematerialization, obsolescence and reproducibility that can be considered unprofitable by collectors.

This article about nfts is very clarifying (it shows the background of nfts and why it is an asset, in addition to the legal part).

The importance of nfts and how they become digital assets is explained. It is a short but very explanatory article about what nfts are and the implications for new forms of contemporary art.

So I give it a 5.


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