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I discovered that I can be a transpersonal and creativity coach.

Today I start a post with something much more personal and I will be doing more reviews. That’s the key.

I found some interesting books about what I want to write about in war (the main book of the saga) I want to read it and review it at the same time.

And talking here about how to be a transpersonal and creativity coach. But what is a transpersonal coach?

Being a transpersonal coach involves helping people in their personal and professional development from a perspective that integrates spiritual and transcendental aspects.

Transpersonal coaching is based on the idea that true personal transformation encompasses more than just concrete goals and objectives; It also includes the connection with life purpose, self-awareness, and the exploration of deeper levels of human existence.

Here are some key features of transpersonal coaching:

– Holistic: Considers the individual as a whole, including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects.
– Expanded Consciousness: Helps people expand their consciousness and explore higher states of being.
Purpose and Meaning: Focuses on helping people find deeper purpose and meaning in their lives.
– Ego Transcendence: Helps people overcome ego limitations and connect with their true self.
– Spiritual practices: You can incorporate techniques and practices such as meditation, visualization, mindfulness and other spiritual practices.
– Deep self-knowledge: Promotes a deep exploration of the self to discover subconscious patterns and emotional blockages.
And the most important question: can you be a transpersonal and creativity coach?

Yes, it is completely possible to be a transpersonal and creativity coach. In fact, both approaches can complement each other very well. Here I explain how they can be integrated:

– Creativity as a means of exploration: Creativity can be a powerful tool for exploring and expressing deep aspects of the self.

A transpersonal coach can use creative techniques (such as art, writing, music, movement) to help clients access their subconscious and express emotions and thoughts that they cannot easily verbalize.

Unlocking Creativity: A transpersonal coach can help clients overcome creative blocks that are often deeply rooted in fears, traumas, or limiting beliefs. By working on these aspects on a transpersonal level, blockages can be released and creative flow opened.

– Integral development: By combining creativity with a transpersonal approach, an integral development can be promoted where creativity becomes a path for spiritual and personal growth.

Creative expression can be a form of meditation and self-knowledge.
– purpose and meaning in creativity: A transpersonal coach can help their clients find a deeper purpose in their creative activities. This can lead to greater satisfaction and sense of fulfillment in your creative work.
– integration of techniques: Techniques such as creative visualization, guided imagery meditation, and other practices can be integrated that encourage creativity while deepening the individual’s spiritual and personal awareness.

In short, being a transpersonal and creativity coach is not only possible, but can offer a very enriching and comprehensive approach for those seeking to explore and develop their creative potential while also working on their personal and spiritual growth.

So I found what I had been looking for in my life, I think, forever, and with this new possibility I do, as in my new book, new beginnings.

Transpersonal coach and creativity.

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